Travel Tips
here before you leave NZ. In the event there are any problems in the country you are visiting, the NZ Government will firstly, know where you are and secondly, be able to contact you.
After many years of travelling the world, Jeryl has gathered these travel tips and tricks to stay safe, avoid mistakes and travel like a pro!
She has definitely learned lessons first-hand while travelling:
- being careful with taxi drivers (get the fare first and take a photo of their cab ID number and driver ID while in the car),
- taking a business card from the hotel you are staying at so no matter what the language, you can get back to your accommodation,
- always carry your cellphone on your body under clothing so it cannot be pickpocketed,
- carry a small amount of cash in a wallet, and if you need more cash to purchase something, go to a place where you can discreetly transfer the required amount of cash so strangers don’t see all your cash and cards on opening your main wallet in front of them.
Some travel mishaps can be avoided by being aware of them and some are just part of travelling. You simply cannot plan for everything. However, keeping a few important things in mind will make your travels much easier.
Here are a few more of my tips (in no particular order). Safe travels.

Drinking Water
Safe drinking water in Europe
Sit down at a restaurant in Europe, and you'll most likely be asked your water preference before anything else: Still or sparkling? While it might be tempting to answer "tap," as we're accustomed to doing in New Zealand, in Europe that can be a riskier move. Given that one of the most common causes of sickness while travelling is drinking contaminated water, knowing where you can—and maybe shouldn't—drink water across the continent is important. Here's what you need to know.
Where can I drink safely?
Most places in Europe do have drinkable tap water, which means you'll save money by bringing a reusable water bottle and filling it up before heading out in the morning. (Some countries, like Italy, Germany, and Belgium, have public taps where you can refill for free, though look out for signs that indicate when the water is not safe for drinking, like at decorative fountains.) Tap water safety and regulations change quite frequently, and according to TripSavvy, Estonia, Lithuania and Slovakia are now safe to drink water in. They join the following list of risk-free nations: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece (except the islands), Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and Vatican City.
Where should I be cautious?
Although larger cities typically have higher water quality than smaller provinces, places where you should exercise caution are Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Georgia, the Greek Islands, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine. It's important to note, however, that even if tap water is deemed "unsafe," that is most likely not because the water is dirty or polluted—merely that it could affect your system because you haven't developed the immunity that locals often have. (Some of the most common side effects of drinking unsafe tap water include diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid, and even cholera.)
Think about your water source
It's not just about actively drinking water: Brushing your teeth with water from the faucet, washing fruits and vegetables you may buy, adding ice to your drink, and even opening your mouth and gurgling when showering are other ways to ingest unsafe tap water. The water coming out of most taps on trains and airplanes is also not intended for drinking.
When in doubt...
While bottled water is readily available almost everywhere in Europe (bottles with red labels typically represent fizzy—or sparkling—water, while those with blue labels are for still water) we recommend a more planet and wallet-friendly option: Contiki's Smart Water Bottle, which uses an advanced filtration system to remove 99.95 percent of bacteria, creating clean drinking water wherever you are. If you find yourself in a tough spot without it, water can also be sanitized by boiling it for 10 minutes. And as always, beer and wine remain safe bets on any continent.
(Source: Conde Naste)
Use of Credit cards and Debit cards when Travelling
When travelling overseas, if you are not a very frequent traveller or haven’t travelled in a while, contact your Bank before you go and let them know you are travelling overseas, so blocks are not put on your card when using it out of the country. Banks will do this for your protection if they think your card is being fraudulently used.
I recommend you have at least 2 cards when travelling so in the event of a card being blocked/stolen you still have a card you can use. Ideally one should be a credit card and the other a debit card. Credit cards have a limit set by your Bank and you are able to spend up to that credit limit. The danger here is that you are susceptible to being taken to the maximum credit limit in the event of fraudulent use – scary if you have a high credit limit. Debit cards must have a pre-paid balance of funds on the card and so the maximum that can be used on the card is the amount of that balance.
Many travel arrangements require a card for pre-validation. For example, when you check-in to accommodation or a cruise, hire a rental car, etc. A hold is put on your card of a set amount (varies by property/cruiseline/rental car firm) and until you complete your stay/hire this amount remains blocked on your card. Sometimes these holds can take more than a few days to clear, and you are not able to use the amount of the hold until it has been cleared.
If you use your debit card for such holds, this frees up your credit card for purchases. When you settle your account that the hold has been made on, you can request that the payment be made on your credit card instead.
A note of caution that I learnt from personal experience. Don’t use a credit card to withdraw cash from an ATM. I did this as my Eftpos card wouldn’t work in the ATM for some reason, so I used my credit card instead. Once you use your credit card for obtaining cash, the whole balance of your credit card at that moment is then immediately due for payment, with the interest accruing on a daily basis until you clear your card balance. So if for any reason your Eftpos card doesn’t work, use your Debit card to obtain cash as this will not accrue interest.
One final tip: Your Eftpos card is able to used at most ATMs worldwide. Just check the logos on the back of your Eftpos card and see if it one of the approved logos (ie )displayed at the terminal you are going to use. When obtaining cash from the ATM, I recommend you get out the maximum cash allowed as you are charged an Interbank fee, and this is the same amount whether you are getting out E10.00 or E300.00.
As Banks regularly change their policies, it is best to check directly with your Bank if you have any questions regarding use of any of your cards while overseas.
(NB Suggestions made in this article are recommendations only based on personal and clients’ experiences. For specific banking advice you will need to contact your own Bank.)